CSI Madhya Kerala Diocesan Office, Cathedral Road, Kottayam-686 001,Kerala. Ph. No: 0481-2567274 0481-2566931 Email: csimkdkottayam@yahoo.co.in https://csimadhyakeraladiocese.org
CSI South Kerala Diocesan Office, LMS Compound, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 033, Kerala. Ph. No: 0471- 2315490 0471-2317125 0471-2318974 0471-2316439 Email: dbishoprasalam@yahoo.com https://southkerala.csi1947.com
CSI Malabar Diocesan Office, Bank Road, Calicut - 673 001., Kerala. Ph. No: 0495-2721748. 0495-2722748. 0495-2723748. Email: csimalabardiocese@gmail.com https://malabar.csi1947.com
CSI East Kerala Diocesan Office, Melukavumattom P. O., Kottayam-686 652, Kerala. Ph. No: 04822-219026 Email: bcsiekd@gmail.com https://eastkerala.csi1947.com
Near Pump Junction, Aluva P. O., Ernakulam District, Kerala- 683 101. Ph. No: 0484 - 2954955 0466-2222545 Email: csicochindiocese@gmail.com https://cochin.csi1947.com
CSI Kollam Kottarakkara Diocesan Office, NH 208, Chinnakkada, Kollam - 691 001, Kerala. Ph. No: 0474-2743403 Email: csikollamkottarakaradiocese@gmail.com https://kollamkottarakkara.csi1947.com
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