20 March 2024

Day 3 - VBS 2024 - Divine Provision

Day 3 - VBS 2024 - Divine Provision

On Wednesday, 20th March, the third day of the 2024 Vacation Bible School was conducted with children learning from the theme "Divine Provision" and dressed in white.

The session started at 6 pm with the opening prayer, followed by the common sessions and class sessions complemented with learning the new VBS songs and fun games. 

Mr. Jacob Elias, the VBS Director taught about the story of Prophet Eljah. (A prophet is a person who listens from God and tells His people.) Elijah was entrusted by God to go and tell King Ahab that in the coming years, that there will be no rain. This was not a good news, but Elijah was not afraid of death and was bold to tell this to the King despite the consequences. Death is a reality and noone can stay in this world forever, but we have to be ready. King Ahab and Queen Jezebel were wicked and made others also to do wicked things. Anything which we do, say or think against God's wish is a sin. God knows each thought in man's heart. Sin separates us from God. In spite of the rain being stopped, Elijah was happy as he had enough water and food provided by God, to sustain him. During the time of famine, God cares for His children. God sent Elijah to Zarephath, which required walking 160 kilometres in the extreme hot season. God is looking for people who are willing to listen to His voice. Neer question God when God tells you certain things. It is a blessing to obey God. God cared for Elijah at Zarephath, by leading him to a widow's house who was affected by famine and was about to die after their last meal. Elijah encouraged the lady by reminding her about God's promise - (1 Kings 17:14) For this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘The jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry until the day the Lord sends rain on the land.’” The widow's family experienced abundance of food by God's divine provision in the midst of famine, when she listened to Elijah, the man sent by God.

Further, the children were taught about how to do things out of love, which is a step ahead of doing things out of obedience, the third Powerful Practical Tip for Christian living (PPT-CL). Joseph obeyed his father Jacob and went to Shechem to find out about the welfare of his brothers. (Genesis 37:12-36) When Joseph reached Shechem, he learned that his brothers had already reached Dothan. Joseph, out of love for his brothers, decided to travel to Dothan to meet his brothers. When we obey our parents and complete chores to help them, we can always volunteer to do something extra for them, out of love.

The third day of the VBS ended with closing prayer.

Also, on the same day, a separate session was held for parents, on the theme "Keep the nest warm" led by Mrs. Moly Jacob. This session gave valuable insight into effective Christian parenting, for the attendees. 

VBS 2024 Day 3 Photo Gallery:http://https://www.csidubai.com/gallery/64/vbs-2024

VBS 2024 songs video link: https://wvbs24songsu

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