16 February 2025

Medical Sunday "Healing in Sickness"

Medical Sunday "Healing in Sickness"

Sunday, 16th February, was observed as Medical Sunday with members of the medical fraternity taking lead roles in different parts of the Worship Service.

The sermon was delivered by Mrs. Annie George (Suja) based on the theme "Healing in Sickness". She reminded that, God knows what is best for us and we just need to trust Him. When the world saw Sarah as a barren woman, God saw her as a mother of all nations. When the world saw David as a poor shepherd boy, God saw him as a mighty king of Israel. When people saw Joseph as a slave prisoner, God saw him as a powerful prime minister of Egypt. Though we have imperfections and inadequacies in the eyes of the world, we are special in God's view. All we have to do is to obey and rely on His strength. Like Samuel and Isaiah, we should be prepared for God's mission saying "Here I am". God equips us and provides for us when He calls us. As we read in Exodus, when Moses said he was slow in speech and tongue, God said that He would put words in his mouth and put Aaron by his side. When Paul said, he can't do it, God said "My grace is sufficient for you. My grace abounds in weakness." We serve a God who can heal us physically and spiritually. We should be Faithful, Available and Teachable in the service of God.

Rev. K.S. Scaria joined our vicar Rev. Raju Jacob, in leading the Holy Communion Service.

The sermon* audio file is available here :  http://www.csidubai.com/sermons

csi parish fujairah

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