13 March 2025

Vacation Bible School - VBS 2025 begins

Vacation Bible School - VBS 2025 begins

By the blessings of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the VBS for 2025 was inaugurated on Saturday, 15th March 2025 at the Holy Trinity Church, Dubai, by our Vicar Rev. Raju Jacob.

The theme for this year is “Honourable Vessel” taken from II Timothy 2:21 ("Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work."). Mr. V.B.Matthews from the Child Evangelical Fellowship of Asia Pacific region is the VBS director for this year.

The meeting started with opening prayer by Rev. Raju Jacob after the prayer song by the singing team. Rev. Raju Jacob, in his inaugural address related to the Japanese art Kintusgi where we should also mend ourselves with God’s words and convert ourselves as a honourable vessel.

Mr. V.B.Matthews, the VBS director introduced the theme for this year “Honourable Vessel” where he stressed that God is not looking for golden or silver vessels,  but rather a clean vessel, quoting D L Moody, the renowned evangelist. Hence, when we face challenges which can make us unclean we should flee and preserve ourselves as honourable and presentable vessels to God. We should have our personal relationship with God and be ready for God’s use as clean vessels.

Around 186 students and 51 teachers and co-teachers are attending the VBS this year. The VBS will end on 23rd March and and sub themes linking to the main theme will be presented to the children complemented by exciting songs, devotions and colour themes. 

A dedicated team of volunteers is assisting with all the VBS arrangements including book distribution, transportation, food, class arrangements etc. Mr. Anish George is the VBS convenor this year and is supported by Aju Koshy (Jt. Convenor), Jithin Abraham (Treasurer), Saji K George (Secretary) as well as other VBS Committee members and the Church Committee, under the leadership of the Vicar rev. Raju Jacob.

The VBS Video Playlist is available here :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QYbwXj6HWk&list=PLfKHV4UllEbCd2fTP35bvxZwPduWHvxaK

Highlights of the VBS are avilable in the Photo Gallery : https://www.csidubai.com/gallery/78/vbs-2025



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