17 March 2025

Vacation Bible School - VBS 2025 Day 1 "Wonderful Vessel"

Vacation Bible School - VBS 2025 Day 1 "Wonderful Vessel"

Day 1 of the VBS 2025 started with the prayer song by the singing team at 6 pm. The singing team introduced 3 new songs and the children really enjoyed the actions and the songs taugh.

Mr. V.B.Matthews, the VBS director introduced the sub theme "Wonderful Vessel" during the devotion session based on the verse Psalms 139:14 (I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.) He reminded that the wonderful creation includes atmosphere, land, plants, planets, the sea, animals and creatures. Among all the creation, the most wonderful one is human beings. He created us with an intention, beauty and purpose. This creation was so valued that he gave the ability to choose what to eat from the garden and also he can choose to obey or disobey God. We need to bring creativity, kindness and care into our own life. Tabitha (Dorcas) who trusted in the Lord, was a strong Christian believer but was overcome by death. However Peter, another wonderful vessel of Christ, came in and performed the miracle bringing her back to life. Children were taught about the importance of having a personal relationship with Christ by following the ABC rule. A - Admit our sins, B - Believe Jesus died for us, and C- Calling God to save us. The kids were taught on how to become a child of God by quoting John 1:12, (believe and receive him). The blood of Christ cleanses and make us a wonderful vessel.

The day also had classes for the children divided into various sections from KG1 to Grade 12 which was taught by the VBS teachers assigned for each class.

The day ended with the surrender song followed by the closing prayer.

The VBS Video Playlist is available here :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QYbwXj6HWk&list=PLfKHV4UllEbCd2fTP35bvxZwPduWHvxaK

Highlights of the VBS are avilable in the Photo Gallery : https://www.csidubai.com/gallery/78/vbs-2025

csi parish fujairah

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