Sunday, 19th November, was observed as Girl Child Sunday with active participation of our girl children in the Worship Service.
Ms. Shreya Sara Saji delivered the sermon* based on the topic, "Assuring future for the girl child". God's love never discriminates us. The ground at the foot of the cross was always levelled. There is no distinction between male or female, the rich or the poor, race or colour, at the foot of the cross. There we see only a sinner in need of forgiveness and a savior who paid with His life, for that forgiveness. Understanding man's incompleteness, God made woman to be a helper, as his partner (Gen 2:18). Both male and female were created in God's own image (Gen 1:27). All who believe in God are given the right to be His children without any conditions (John 1:12). God gave His son to give everlasting life to all who believe in Him (John 3:16). In spite of God's impartial nature towards human beings, it is the world that sets up walls, barriers and categories. The young Hebrew Girl's huge faith transformed Namaan spiritually and made Him realise who the true God is (2 Kings 5:1-5). The story of Rhoda, the servant girl illustrates firm faith in God, regardless of her status. (Acts 12:1-17). Jesus stays at our side always, granting grace and calling us to arise from everything causing "death" in us. He sees girl children as beloved daughters worthy of His time and needing His love. He asks us to stop fearing and just believe. (Mark 5:36). Being conscious that we are God's handiwork (Eph 2:10) as Girl children, we should never limit us to the tags given by the world. Instead, we should do the good works faithfully for Christ, trusting in Him alone who will listen when we call and keep us safe always.
Rev. Raju Jacob, our Vicar, led the Holy Communion Service.
The sermon audio* is available here: