Sunday, 11th December, was observed as Girl Child Sunday with active participation of our girl children in the Worship Service.
Ms. Neha Mariam George delivered the sermon* based on the topic,"Affirming the worth of a girl child." In her message, she drew examples extensively from the Bible to illustrate the affirmation of the worth of the Girl child - socially, economically, spiritually, and communally (Numbers 27:1-11 - Justice to the daughters of Zelophehad ; Mark 5:25-34 - Woman with bleeding disorder for 12 years ; John 8:1-11 - Woman accused of adultery ; John 4 - Jesus and the Samaritan woman ; Mark 5:21-43 - Jesus raising the daughter of Jairus ; Luke 8:1-3 - Financial support extended by a group of women for Jesus' ministry ; Luke 10 - Mary and Martha hosting Jesus ; John 20 - Mary Magdalene's meeting with the risen Christ; Acts 21:9 - Philip's daughters who prophesied; Acts 18:24-26 - Priscilla and Aquila guiding Apollos ; Romans 16:1 - Phoebe, deacon of the church in Cenchreae). She concluded that, if any girl child feels inferior, they shouldn't be disheartened, instead remember the affirmation of her worth by our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ, appealing “Talitha koum!” “Little girl, I say to you, get up!”.
Rev. Shaji Jacob Thomas, our Vicar, led the Holy Communion Service.
*The complete sermon can be watched here :