02 March 2025

Women's Sunday Service 2025 - "Remember and celebrate the ministry of women”

Women's Sunday Service 2025 - "Remember and celebrate the ministry of women”

Sunday, 2nd March, was observed as Women’s Sunday with members of the Women’s Fellowship taking lead roles in different parts of the service.

The sermon* was delivered by Mrs. Veena Jeril, (Veena Kochamma, CSI All Saints Parish Jebel Ali) meditating on the theme ,"Remember and celebrate the ministry of women”. Veena Kochamma, in her message emphasized on spiritual growth of women, in biblical perspective. Through the birth of Jesus Christ, all barriers were broken down and women also enjoy equal status in society (Luke 1-3). The intervention of Jesus' birth is significant, in uplifting women, as in the ancient times, the Jewish prayers even said “Blessed are you, Lord, our God, ruler of the universe who has not created me a woman.” Such was the way in which women were looked down by society. When studying the old testament, we understand that man was given equality, but equality was lost by sin. Kochamma also mentioned about the service oriented leadership of various women, enabled by God (Amelia Dorothea Baker - the educational missionary who founded  Baker Memorial Girl's High School, Elizabeth - the wife of Zechariah, and Fanny J. Crosby - the prolific hymnist).

Another major highlight of the service was the melodious song sung by the Women's fellowship members "Thedi Vanna Nallidayane", written and composed by our member Shibu Samuel (one of the 2025 CSI MKD Convention songs). The song can be listened here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8Joe8-T3HE

Rev. Raju Jacob led the Holy Communion Service.

The sermon* audio file is available here :  http://www.csidubai.com/sermons

csi parish fujairah

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