The second day of the VBS started with students reaching on time and dressed in Black theme symbolising the sinful nature of human kind. The day started with the prayer song followed by the opening prayer. The singing team as usual thrilled the children with the action songs and explaining the meaning.
Mr. V. B. Mathews, the VBS director lead the devotion for the children introducing the sub theme "Chosen Vessel”. He mentioned that we are God's chosen vessel and He has unique plans for each one of us. This was illustrated with book colour themes, "Gold" denoting heaven and "Black" representing sin. As the theme of the day being black, the Director focused on what "sin" is. Sin is anything that we say, do or think which displeases God. He quoted Psalms 51:3 and reminded us that we are all born with sin and the final punishment of sin is death unless we overcome our sinful nature. Explaining the sub theme further, he quoted John 16:15 which tells us that we did not choose God, but God chose us and appointed us to go and bear fruit. The story of Saul was also taught, where children learned the transformation of Saul's life by God. The same Saul who initially persecuted the disciples of Jesus, was chosen by God to spread the good news to the world by changing his sinful life. What an awesome God we serve.
As usual, there were individual classes for the children, refreshments and concluding sessions with songs.
The day ended with the surrender song and word of prayer by Raju Achen.
The VBS Video Playlist is available here :
Highlights of the VBS are avilable in the Photo Gallery :