19 March 2025

Vacation Bible School - VBS 2025 Day 3 "Precious Vessel”

Vacation Bible School - VBS 2025 Day 3 "Precious Vessel”

Children and teachers attended the third day of the VBS, dressed in Red theme symbolising the blood of Jesus. The day started with the prayer song followed by the opening prayer. The singing team led the children in praise and worship.

Mr. V. B. Mathews, the VBS director introduced the sub theme "Precious Vessel”, to the children. He mentioned that we need two things to become a child of God, firstly, Receive Him and, secondly, Believe in Him. Daniel, Shadrach, Meschack and Abednego had an intimate relation with God. As evident from their life experience, we can approach God in the face of trouble. God promises us that “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5). The story of Daniel further emphasises this. He was the only one who could interpret Nebuchadnezzar's dream, with God's help. This made even the King Nebuchadnezzar bow down in front of Daniel. Daniel did not get carried away by this gesture. Instead, this made him even more humble and closer to God. God raised him and used him as his honourable and precious vessel. When we surrender ourselves to God without reservation, we become his precious vessel.

As per tradition, the children partook in the love feast with the message of sharing and caring. 

The day ended with the surrender song and prayer by Rev. Raju Jacob.

The VBS Video Playlist is available here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QYbwXj6HWk&list=PLfKHV4UllEbCd2fTP35bvxZwPduWHvxaK

Highlights of the VBS are avilable in the Photo Gallery : https://www.csidubai.com/gallery/78/vbs-2025

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